Oral Cancer Screening in Daly City

Oral cancer can be a life-threatening condition if not properly diagnosed at an early stage. During the patient's preventive routine checkups, we also ensure to give the patient a cancer screening test to analyze and understand whether they stand a chance of the risks of oral cancer.

Our mobile dental team has the expertise and necessary tools to help detect the potential risks of cancer.

Oral Cancer Examination

Oral cancer is a major cause of concern for patients belonging to any age category and hence, timely diagnosis is mandatory to avoid the risks that come with it. Research points out that the chances of oral cancer tend to increase with age. 95 percent of the population suffering from oral cancer are above the age of 45, and hence it is essential that elderly patients receive oral examinations on a regular basis.

Evaluation of Medical History

Reviewing the patient's dental and medical history is essential to help identify progressing conditions of oral cancer. Such records can help the dentist understand crucial aspects of the patient's health condition before making a diagnosis.

Physical Examination

During the patient's regular examinations, the patient must receive a physical assessment of the head, neck, and mouth. Slight changes or other physical symptoms can help the examiner to have a deeper understanding of the patient's condition.

Common sign and symptoms are:

  • The appearance of red/white sores in the oral cavity
  • Appearance or sensation of lumps or rough spots
  • Tenderness or pain near the mouth or lips
  • Difficulty in performing normal activities of the mouth


It is a regular practice to use manual palpation around the lymph nodes in regions of the neck and parts of the mouth as part of the cancer screening. This can help assess and diagnose the condition and start treatment.

Quality at-home dental care services can now help understand your cancer risks. Contact May H. Bosco, RDHAP, at 650-892-7811 today.